Many thanks to all those who are partnering with us on our crusade, with special Mama and baby offers for all in the Mama You’ve Got This Village.
Mama You've Got This is proudly supported by Bellamy's Organic .
Many thanks to all those who are partnering with us on our crusade, with special Mama and baby offers for all in the Mama You’ve Got This Village.
Mama You've Got This is proudly supported by Bellamy's Organic .
Many thanks to all those who are partnering with us on our crusade, with special Mama and baby offers for all in the Mama You’ve Got This Village.
Mama You've Got This is proudly supported by Bellamy's Organic .

Online Birth Masterclass: Birth education for parents
to be
The perfect virtual birth class for parents to be taught by our Obstetrician and Midwife and positive birth expert. This birthing class provides everything the hospital classes don't tell you but should. Prepare for child birth from the comfort of your own home.
Understanding the birth process: About this class
There are many aspects of child birth that we can’t control – but we can prepare. Our Birth Masterclass is brought to you by Mustela and will empower you and your partner as you prepare to go through the biggest challenge in your life, the birth of your baby.

'Freya and Christy have set up the most perfect platform to give parents, and parents to be the confidence to find accurate information for their little one. We’ll be forever thankful to have found them!'
Dennis & Adelyn
Masterclass attendees
Our birth class will cover
+ About the birth process and what to expect when â €
+ Birth preparation (how to avoid tearing) â €
+ Birth options (Natural birth, Caesarean, Maternally Assisted birth) â €
+ Pain relief options â €
+ The role of hormones in birth â €
+ Creating a positive birthing space â €
+ Birth positions
+ What happens to your body during birth
+ Early days with your baby and what to expect
+ Practical tips on how to set up your nursery as well as what to pack in your hospital bag and nappy bag
Upcoming masterclasses

Brought to you by Mustela
- Sun, Feb 16Middle Park
- Sun, Mar 30Middle Park
- Sat, May 03Middle Park
View as:
For parents preparing for labour
Head into your birth feeling confident and empowered. Parents You've Got This is here to equip you with birth skills, tools, tips and access to real health and medical experts to ensure you have a calm birth make experience.
Meet the experts
Who should attend the preconception and planning for pregnancy class?The Ready To Conceive masterclass is designed for couples or individuals thinking about starting their family and those who have been trying for a while but have not yet been successful. The masterclass covers a range of topics including boosting fertility, understanding menstrual cycles, identifying ovulation, and the role of nutrition and lifestyle factors in conception.
How much does the preconception class cost?The Ready To Conceive masterclass is completely free of charge. We believe that everyone should have access to high-quality information and resources when it comes to fertility and conception.
How often is the Ready to Conceive Masterclass held?Our Ready To Conceive masterclass is held regularly, with new classes conducted via Instagram Live every 4-6 weeks. To find out the exact timing of our upcoming classes, please refer to our schedule above.
Why should I attend your pregnancy preparation class?The Parents You've Got This Ready To Conceive Masterclass provides valuable evidence-based information from leading experts to guide individuals or couples who are considering starting a family. You'll gain a thorough understanding of: - Physical and emotional aspects of preparing for pregnancy - The factors that impact fertility, such as age, lifestyle and underlying medical conditions - Your menstrual cycle and the best time to try and conceive. - Expert advice about what to do if you need fertility support As well as the opportunity to connect with a community of others who are also preparing to conceive.
Who are the fertility experts teaching this class?During the Ready To Conceive Masterclass you will learn from our Fertility and IVF Expert Dr Raelia Lew and our PCOS and Fertility Dietitian Wendy Fedele. Our Fertility and PCOS Dietitian Wendy Fedele will talk you through the optimal fertility diet and prenatal vitamins to ensure your body has the nutrients it needs to conceive. Our Fertility and IVF expert Dr Raelia Lew will talk about factors which impact your fertility or help to boost your fertility, the best time to conceive, different options if you are not conceiving as quickly as you had hoped.
How do I watch a masterclass on Instagram Live?To view our Instagram Live Masterclasses, sign in to your personal Instagram account and follow @parentsyouvegotthis_au. At the time of the Live, from your home screen you will see the Parents You've Got This logo illuminated in the screen's top left. Tap it to join the live. We try our best to record and save our Instagram Live Masterclasses on our social media platforms, so they can be watched back or at a later date.
I have lots of questions! When can I ask them?We encourage questions in the sign up process for each Masterclass, and each speaker will address questions throughout each class. Our Experts are here to support you so come equipped with questions and have them answered live.
"Thank you very much for the amazing virtual village that you have created. Going into birth feeling more supported and prepared from all the information that you have shared helped me feel empowered"
- Sally